Tuesday 19 April 2016

Cap Jazz Grads Head for Grad School

Where do graduates go?  To graduate school of course! Well, at least some of them do.

Meghan Gilhespy (photo Vincent Lim)
We are very pleased that some of our highly skilled and hard working Cap Jazz grads have been accepted to graduate programs this year at some of North America's top music schools. MMus program provide an opportunity for musicians to refine their skills, expand their horizons, connect with peers from across the globe, and to develop a personal approach to their music. In many cases, they also provide opportunities to gain teaching and administrative experience, both of which will be very important in possible future careers in music education. We are extremely proud of all these fine musicians and wish them all the best for their future.

Leo Bae (piano, BMus 2015) will attend University of Oregon for his MMus is Jazz Studies.  Leo has been offered a teaching fellowship and full tuition waiver.
Meghan Gihespy (voice, BMus 2015) will attend the University of Toronto for her MMus in Jazz Studies.
Thomas Houlden (trumpet, BMus 2015) will also attend University of Toronto for his MMus in Jazz Studies.
Brent Mah (saxophone, BMus 2013) will attend Rutgers University (New Jersey) for his MMus in Jazz Studies. Brent has been offered a full tuition scholarship.
John Nicholson (saxophone, BMus 2015) will attend University of Toronto for his MMus in Jazz Studies.
Lyle Hopkins (photo Vincent Lim)

Other Cap Jazz grads currently attending graduate programs include:

Cary Campbell, Simon Fraser University, PhD  Arts Education
Daniel Hersog, New England Conservatory, MMus Jazz Studies
Lyle Hopkins, University of Oregon, MMus  Jazz Studies
Duncan Maunders, University of BC, MMus  Composition
Brittany Mielnichuk, University of Manitoba, MMus Choral Conducting

Thomas Houlden (photo ??)
Leo Bae (photo Vincent Lim)
John Nicholson (photo Vincent Lim)

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